Public and Stakeholder Consultation

Project Name

Alberta’s Fiscal Framework Consultation Process

Alberta Treasury Board and Finance
Project Type
Provincial Government
2012 to 2012

To support the development a fiscal framework that will build a predictable, sustainable revenue base, the GoA contracted Praxis to design and implement a consultation process to obtain Albertans’ views about finances and savings.  In the first phase, Praxis developed and launched an online survey to solicit public feedback about managing provincial savings, allocating non-renewable resource revenues, funding infrastructure projects, and the future of the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund and the Alberta Sustainability Fund. A total of 3,832 Albertans completed the survey.  The quantitative data from the survey was analysed and a comprehensive report of survey findings was prepared. In phase two, Praxis facilitated and recorded seven discussion sessions with advisory panels comprised of business leaders, economists, banking and financial experts and academics. The purpose of the sessions was to access session participants’ expertise and address the topics raised in the public survey in greater depth.  Praxis prepared individual session summaries as well as a summary overview providing a high-level synopsis of the key themes from all seven advisory panel discussion sessions.

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