
Project Name

Cenovus Awareness and Adverstising Study

Cenovus Energy
Project Type
Market Research
2010 to 2011

Cenovus Energy contracted Praxis to create a nationwide telephone survey. The Praxis Team designed the survey to collect information regarding the public’s awareness of Cenovus Energy as well as their opinions and attitudes regarding the Company and how it conducts business. The survey also touched on issues regarding the development of Canada’s oil and gas resources, generally, and the information channels (e.g. print and electronic media, government agencies, industry associations, and NGOs) that communicate industry-related information to the general public and stakeholders.

Praxis generated analytical reports based on national, provincial, and business unit level data. This information was prepared as a baseline to measure changes over the next few years as various marketing and advertising initiatives are implemented. It will also serve as a gauge of advertising effectiveness and assist Cenovus in focusing its marketing efforts.